AlmyCynthia Chace '70 is a dedicated Buckingham alumna. Not only has she dedicated her time to reaching the goals of the Opening Minds Campaign, she has included BB&N in her will, making her a member of the Almy Society.

Cynthia understands the importance of the education she received at Buckingham and is grateful that her two daughters were able to attend private secondary schools, as well. Andrea has finished her first year of law school at Roger Williams, and Pamela just graduated from Georgetown University.

"I really care about the School and I want part of my legacy to display that care," says Cynthia. "Putting BB&N in my will is a gift from the heart, one that comes from receiving a great education, building lasting relationships, and storing lovely memories. In addition to my estate gift, I've also committed a leadership gift to the Campaign. The education I received at Buckingham was very forward-thinking-something I realized when I was able to compare my education to the more current curricula my daughters experienced. I received a timeless education at Buckingham and see it as my duty to help provide that experience for future students."

"Having done volunteer work for The Wheeler School and BB&N, I realized how important each of our gifts is. No matter the size, it all adds up. I know it's frustrating to have many institutions requesting one's money, which is one of the reasons I enjoy giving to BB&N: the School is larger, yes, but the care and interest of the teachers is still as it was for me. Each student is special. The School provided much of the foundation for who we are today and what we've been able to accomplish."